Thursday, August 13, 2009

The Next Step

Well, it has certainly been a while since my last post and I apologize for that. A lot has been happening since my last post...joined the army again, preached my first service at "big church", said goodbye to some very close friends, bought a house, painted said house, moved into said house, and still managed to keep Sarah from wanting to hurt me! Now down to business...
Five years ago I joined the army in hopes of being involved in something that was bigger than myself. I wasn't sure what the meant really, but I did know that God was leading me into that direction. I found myself in a world that was totally strange to me, forced to do things that I didn't want to (every kid's worst nightmare), really away from my family from the first time, and totally unknowing of what to do next. What I found was painful, lonely, and something much bigger than myself. I was put into situations where I didn't feel I was ready to lead, but somehow God moved through me and looking back I know that I can see lives were changed.
When Jesus called his disciples, it was very clear. He said to them follow me, and they got up, and did it. I wish I could have had this kind of courage. God has been calling me for many years to do something, something in my mind I am not qualified for in any way. However, it is time that I stand up, and respond to that call.
Starting at the end of this year, I will be attending Indiana Wesleyan University online to obtain my degree in Christian Ministries, which will allow me to fulfill God's call in my life, to become a full time pastor. This is a huge step for me, and to be quite honest I am very scared and humbled by this. I am already over-whelmed by everything that needs to be done to achieve this goal...there is a lot. I know that God will guide my steps through this and that I am within His will for my life.
Please please please be praying with Sarah and me. I have already talked with the lead pastor at the church that I go to, and the next step will be to meet with my local church board a week from Sunday. After that, it is a meeting with my district board and somewhere in between A LOT of paperwork. Thanks for being patient with me in announcing this.


Jennie Joy said...

Awesome. Glad to hear this news, Mark. Pastoring is way more than preaching a sermon, but I can see that God's given you a "pastoral heart."

The One who has called you is faithful- and HE will do this! :)