Tuesday, June 2, 2009

In the quiet...

I spent this past weekend at the third annual church camp out that WWC holds with about 130 in attendance. At first I was a little hesitant. I am a very social person, but find myself overwhelmed by too many people. I am more of a small group kinda guy. I had a good time over all and am very glad I went. You can read more about it here or here.
I had the awesome opportunity to do nothing on Saturday while most everyone else was out floating and making tie dye shirts. Before you ask, nothing tragic happened to me as a kid or anything like that. I am just not a big fan of being in the water. So, instead I took a nap, and awoke to find an empty campsite, surrounded by God's creation. I woke up, cooked a pizza lunchable over the campfire, and really enjoyed the time to myself. Sometimes I find myself so busy between work and learning how to be a good husband that I forget that God is waiting for me. In that peaceful quiet with the birds singing and the fire burning I remembered, painfully remembered, that God is waiting for me.
I took some time to pray to God. I really prayed. I haven't spent that kind of time with God in a while and it really broke my heart. I had become so accustomed to being involved in ministry, being a husband, working, and being with my friends that my priorities had fallen drastically out of place. I have been putting my wife and other relationships before God, and God finally got a hold of me.
I didn't bring a bible with me so as I was being convicted of this, I asked God to just speak with me. I spoke to God and He spoke back and the best way I can describe it is peaceful. God reminded me of the story when Jesus sent His disciples ahead of Him on a boat, so that he could be alone. He reminded me that even the Son of God needed time to be alone, to refocus, to pray, and spend time alone.
I love that God is not insecure. I love that He will allow you to fail, not because God is angry or hurtful, but because He loves us and wants us to learn from our mistakes. I hadn't taken time for me to spend with God, and I hadn't taken time for my wife and me to grow together. I have failed in that up until now. There are times and I need a holy boot to my backside, but God knew this was not one of those time. In His own way, he gently pushed me and showed me where I was coming up short.
So, if you are reading this I would like to challenge you. Where are you missing an opportunity to be with God? He is waiting in the quiet, in the stillness...


Jennie Joy said...

Thanks for this, Mark. It's right on! I'm so glad you had some fabulous quiet time with our Father! :D

Anonymous said...

Like the song or at least some of the words to the song and verse "be still and know that I am God". My best conversations with Him are when I'm alone. This is good Mark.